The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live. – Myles Munroe
The Matthew Teeple Scholarship is an essay contest scholarship available to college and university students. The scholarship awards $1000 to the winner and is designed to encourage students to develop their writing skills and express their ideas. The deadline for the scholarship is June 1, 2023. Matthew Teeple Scholarship is an opportunity for college and university students to showcase their writing abilities and potentially receive financial support to further their education.
GUIDELINES About Scholarship
- Accepted into an accredited college or University in the United States.
- International students studying in the United States, are also eligible to apply.
- We reserve the right to verify date of graduation and/or college enrollment.
- First Name & Last Name
- Contact/Telephone Numbe
- Mailing Address/Email address
- Personal Bio Over 200 charecters
- Student ID
- Name Of Your Institition
- Current GPA
Essay Question
- Being different from others often requires both courage and conviction on your beliefs. Describe a time in your life where you had to make an important decision but your opinion or viewpoint differed from others. Some things to think about as you write your response:
- A. How did you manage the process to come to the ultimate decision
B. Did you focus on building a consensus, just arguing your viewpoint, or both
C. Did your decision end up being the best one in hindsight. If it wasn’t, what did you learn? If it was, how did others react to you afterwards.
Deadline and Announcement
- Total award amount 1,000 USD
- Applications must be submitted before June 1, 2023
- Awardee will be notified via email on June 15, 2023
- Awardee will have his/her name posted on our WebSite.
- – see more at: https://mattteeplescholarship.com