Richard Cichocki Scholarship

Richard Cichocki Scholarshi

The Richard Cichocki Scholarship has been established by Tax and Financial Strategist  Richard Cichocki.  The award of $1,000 will provide valuable assistance to one student struggling to finance his/her undergraduate degree.

The Richard Cichocki Scholarship

Pursuing an undergraduate degree is a life achievement not easily attained.  For many students around the United States, the dream of acquiring a college degree is often overshadowed by the burden of paying hefty tuition fees. Although many students are able to secure student loans, they are often left with the huge burden of these debts after graduation.  Unfortunately, this means that even some of the brightest and most talented students are held back from pursuing their college degree, simply because they do not have the financial means to do so.

Thankfully, many forms of financial aid exist to support such students. The initial Richard Cichocki Scholarship is one of them.  It consists of a one-time award of $1,000, to be presented to one United States based student attending an accredited college or university.  The winner of the scholarship shall be chosen based on an evaluation of not only their application, but also their ability to compose an original and compelling essay of about 700 to 850 words answering the following question.

Question: What future technology will provide the most benefit to our society at large?

Amount: The Richard Cichocki Scholarship is a one-time financial award of $1,000, paid directly to the winning students financial aid account.

Application Procedure: 

To be eligible, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited American college or university, either as a freshman, sophomore, or junior
  • Applicant must compose an original and engaging essay of 700-850 words in response to the question noted above:
  • The Richard Cichocki scholarship will be awarded based upon the evaluation of the candidate’s application and essay by Mr. Cichocki.  He looks forward to reading unique, layered, and informative answers.

Essays should be submitted as a WORD file to (email address), along with the following details:

  • Full name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Updated resume 
  • Intended graduation date
  • Name of University
  • Current GPA


The final date for submission is 15th-Dec-2022.

Winner Announcement: 

The winner of the Richard Cichocki scholarship will be announced on Dec  22, 2022.

The recipient of the scholarship will be informed via email, and must acknowledge receipt no later than Dec  22, 2022. The scholarship award will be deposited directly into the students financial aid account.

– see more at: